Your Partner in Consumables


National Optronics EquipmentBundle and Save Leap III Aqua Distill
FormaFlex polishing tools
VEE25 NOP banner
Aqua Distill water waste recycler
NOTE: Our office will be closed on Monday, February 17th  in observance of President's Day Holiday.

DAC Vision is the world’s leading manufacturer and provider of ophthalmic lens processing supplies and source for a complete range of finishing equipment. We offer a complete line of innovative high-quality consumable supplies for surfacing, coating and finishing all lens materials. Our extensive range of products includes, digital polishing tools, digital slurries, fining pads, polishing pads, lens polish, lens edging pads, edging blocks, tints, chemicals, AR and top coat products, tools, PPE solutions and more. DAC Vision is also the main distributor for the National Optronics product line of edgers, tracers and blockers. National Optronics is a leading manufacturer of lens finishing equipment for any size lab operation.

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